Jens Hoffrichter

2 minute read

The new tank in the office

I admit it - I have been bitten hard by the aquarium “bug”. I got the first tank at new years, and since then I have slowly expanded. I now have in my office a 30L cube aquarium for shrimp and snails. The mini ramshorn snails took my tank in the living room over, and I wanted to put some assassin snails in there. But I didn’t want to give up the Nerite snails I have, so I got the cube and moved the snails and some of the cherry shrimp into the cube. A week later I already had tiny shrimp babies in the new tank, which are now thriving. I’ll see how many I can get there.

Tim, the male bristlenose pleco, has been a huge bully during feeding time in the tank. No one was allowed to touch any of his food, and I think that especially stressed the Corydoras out.

I had already made the plan to put a second tank in the office, on my desk, so I decided to move the two bristlenose plecos down there in that tank, and maybe add some Otocinclus or so to the upstairs tank, to keep algae under control.

Tim and his sister enjoying the new environment

Today was the big day, and Tim and his sister moved downstairs, to keep me company during the workday. They seem to be settling right in, even though moving the fish is always a bit stressful for them. They especially seem to like the huge root I have put into the tank.

Over the next weeks, if the water values allow it, I will probably add a small school of rummynose tetras, and a nice betta - if the betta gets along with the rest of the fish! That is always a risk with bettas….If not, I have another spare tank in the garage…